HSE participates in the TENACITy Project
HSE is participating in the Horizon Europe TENACITy Project receiving funding from EU under the call: Fighting Crime and Terrorism 2021 (HORIZON-CL3-2021-FCT-01). The TENACITy project started at 1st of September 2022 with a duration of 36 months (ends in August 2025) by a competitive consortium of 17 partners from 10 countries.
The project’s full name is “Travelling Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism”.
The TENACITy Kick-off Meeting was held in Athens, Greece on September 21 and 22, 2022. The partners have presented their vision and plans, the project’s top priorities, and the action items for the first months of the project.

*The TENACITy project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101074048