
The DCEAF project presented at the Interdisciplinary Nursing Research Symposium
ASCAPE’s Open Call project DCEAF, implemented by HSE, was presented at the Interdisciplinary Nursing Research Symposium held on 2-4 December 2022 in Karpenisi, Greece.

HSE participates in the EURMARS Project
HSE is participating in the Horizon Europe EURMARS Project receiving funding from EU under the call: Border Management 2021 (HORIZON-CL3-2021-BM-01). EURMARS is an advanced surveillance platform to improve the EURopean Multi Authority BordeR Security efficiency and cooperation.The EURMARS project started on the 1st of October 2022 with a duration of 36 months and the consortium […]

HSE participates in the TENACITy Project
HSE is participating in the Horizon Europe TENACITy Project receiving funding from EU under the call: Fighting Crime and Terrorism 2021 (HORIZON-CL3-2021-FCT-01). The TENACITy project started at 1st of September 2022 with a duration of 36 months (ends in August 2025) by a competitive consortium of 17 partners from 10 countries. The project’s full name […]

HSE Undertakes the Implementation of the DCEAF Project
HSE is implementing the DCRAF project to evaluate the ASCAPE Open AI (Artificial Intelligence) Framework in the context of a study to be conducted at the General Oncology Hospital of Kifissia “Agioi Anargyroi”.